Modern Kitchen

The kitchen is heart of the house and housewife the lifeline. She functions almost 24X7 to keep the house members happy and healthy. When it comes to interiors, the focus of each housewife is on how to make the kitchen look beautiful and modern.

The most important part for designing the kitchen interior is planning. To plan and coordinate the kitchen space, sink space and fridge or vegetable storage space, a working triangle should be created. Use of L platforms, island kitchen platform and parallel platforms in the kitchen will ensure that the space has been utilized to its fullest.

Granite, Quartz, Geoffor and Korean material can be used for kitchen counter tops. Granite is considered to be the best option from the beginning, but since it has a lot of dark colors, use of quartz, geoffor and korean is the best option for a modern kitchen. The tiles of color contrast to the color of the kitchen tops appear on the platform. The Moroccan, Rustic or Bright color tiles can be used on a white top platform to give it a luxurious and elegant look. Sinks are also available in quartz along with conventional steel. The size of the sink is determined by the platform size. Overhead storage is made up to two feet above the platform by tiling the ceiling. In addition, the use of glass profile, shutters can also make the kitchen more elegant, which can also provide a great storage space.If the kitchen has a tall unit, it can be used to hold the items needed in the kitchen such as microwave oven and mixer.

You can have the cook top or hob in the grate at your convenience, and there are also options and designs like glass top, steel finish, four burners and five burners. Ducting is required if a chimney is installed.

The color of the kitchen cabinets and the color of the cabinets below the platform can be determined according to the color scheme of your kitchen. If the kitchen platform is white in color, the combination of white tile, white kitchen cabinets and dark color drawer will look great. You can use colorful kitchen accessories to give the kitchen a trendy look.

Housewives will definitely be excited to work in such a modern kitchen.

Read more about my article featured in the Maharashtra Times Newspaper

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